Tuesday, November 24, 2009

23/11/09: The Ultimate Gift

So today I was chatting about gifts...
the special ones that you take the efforts to make... the ones that are personalised to the receiver of the same.

There are some basic requirements for it
1. you must know the person.. special characteristics, moods, likes etc
2. it must be someone close you are doin this for... else it loses all the meaning it was meant to have!
3. you have got to be ready to invest time
4. be creative!

just to cite a couple of examples, some of the gifts that we had made so far was a marketing brochure, ppt, proposal for a close friend who was managing marketing in an institute body, with of course messages from friends instead of write ups and photos from her past!
Another special gift that comes to mind is a collage of photos that i was given, with messages from each and every friend of mine, now here is the crux.. it was a silhouette of me! and had my pics since i was a small girl!
A calendar, where every month had pictures of that friend with every close friend whose birthday is in that month...

well you get the picture.. the list goes on (yeah.. i promise i will blog about it.. even upload pics of the end result...)

Getting to the point of the conversation...
Why would anyone do anything of this sort?

It all started with a gang on teenage girls in school, bored of exams with the only exciting thing coming up was a special friend's birthday, and planning to surprise her...
the end result was an unbelievably happy friend, tears of joy, memories forever and a way to express to her how much she meant for us... with of course, something she will always look at and remember us for!
What it meant for us, meeting and talking for quite some time with each other. Investing that time to pick out the things we knew our friend would like best... putting them together... having a vision in the beginning.. and piecing it together from various different ends and bringing about something that not only did we enjoy building up but also something we are sure our friend would like (either use, appreciate, build upon, keep as a memory)

The feeling is unparalleled.. to see the complete birthday gift.. the perfect birthday gift!

Now that I have elaborated my point with so many words.. here was the question I was given..
what if, hypothetically, the friend in question is completely immaterialistic.. does not care or think about any sort of gifts... insists that it would probably make them happy and would appreciate your gesture, but would not induce that tear of joy, or element of surprise or utter pleasure!

What if it wouldn't change how special the person felt, (s)he already knew what you felt, and how special the person was. Din't need gifts to prove so. Din't want you to put in effort towards the same...

Should you still work on it?
Who is the gift for after all?!

More later!



Napster said...

are you trying to find a gift for jay?

neha said...

@napster: not really.. though now to think of it he would lie in the category i spoke of... and also that he reached the brink of sentiyap wen we gave him a gift.... he was almost there!!!